Sales Octane Logo color for PW Header  Think WIN-WIN…

The new “Wave of Change” is the pivot from in-person to virtual selling.  Is your team ready!!??

In this live, interactive webinar series we cover topics like:

  • Identifying Industries / Problems
  • Scripting prospecting messages and voicemails
  • Developing sales metrics
  • Creating objection responses and Octane Selfies to reinforce the learning
  • How to develop a pre-call plan and appointment checklist
  • AND MORE!!

This instruction is geared around the idea of equipping your team with the necessary tools to sell NOW, even if they can’t meet with people face-to-face!

Your team knows how to sell…can they sell via a webinar?  Help the become SalesPROS!  Fill out the form on this page to inquire.

Have a great day!

The Sales Octane Team